ThiQar Technical College Hosts Seminar on “Building an Effective Administrative Structure in State Institutions to Combat Administrative and Financial Corruption”

As part of the national plan to combat corruption, the Legal Division of ThiQar Technical College organized a seminar titled “Building an Effective Administrative Structure in State Institutions to Combat Administrative and Financial Corruption” on Wednesday, July 20, 2024.

The seminar was delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Rashid Hameed Mazid, and attended by the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Baqer Turki Atiyah Al-Lami, his assistant, Professor Ali Hassan Kamel, and heads of various divisions and units.

The speaker addressed the importance of building an administrative structure that limits the misuse and exploitation of positions for personal gain. He emphasized the significance of distributing roles in a way that ensures the institution’s advancement without favoritism or nepotism. He highlighted that the commitment of position holders to their duties stems from individual values. The administrative structure can be precautionary to prevent harm from position exploitation or remedial after identifying causes of corruption and addressing them. He also discussed the role of oversight bodies, such as the Federal Integrity Commission and financial oversight, in quickly receiving and handling reports and complaints to eliminate corruption.